Froobs, typos and other blindnesses: notes for the future editions


So, Kindle does not let you edit footnotes and also, even if you proof a gazillion times, stuff still gets past you.

The Sound (Paperback Edition)

  • Page 79 - as pointed out by the marvelous Adi Toohey, doing a Sherlock does not a verb of Sherlock make. Therefore and henceforth, Sing & Oggi will be sherlocking.

  • Page 194 - yes, yes, thanks again, Adi. Sing and Bluefoot were battling ess-less plurals NOT collective nouns. It’s just that collective nouns are so much fun, they seem to sneak into places they don’t belong.

The Sound (Kindle Edition)

  • Coming in high on the OC stakes, there is an en dash in footnote 48 that should be an em dash with no spaces.

  • Footnote 78 has the typo ‘chincane’ which should be chicane.

  • Random colon! (not words you want to hear in anything other than a literary sense) Footnote 79.

  • Footnote 86 would be satisfied with the revealing of the bad guy because exposure could reveal too much.

The Mirror Door (Kindle Edition)

  • Basically going to be having an Em Dash & Space party in the following footnotes: 11, 13, 15, 26, 32, 40, 44, 56, 57, 94, 95, 98 and 99…

  • Footnote 43 - ‘sounty’ should be county.

  • Footnote 44 - ‘caling’ it for what it is.

  • Footnote 55 - ‘appeciator’ of knowledge. I’ve acctually heard people pronounce appreciate this way but still - typo!

  • Footnote 71 - Lewis Carroll would probably appreciate the absurdity of his name being spelled incorrectly down an alternate rabbit hole.

  • Footnote 78 - ‘muliple' surprises. As much as I would like to have claimed to invent a whole new form of surprise this is, sadly, just a typo.

  • Footnote 85 - ‘poweful’ - full of powe!