Froobs, typos and other blindnesses: notes for the future editions
So, Kindle does not let you edit footnotes and also, even if you proof a gazillion times, stuff still gets past you.
The Sound (Paperback Edition)
Page 79 - as pointed out by the marvelous Adi Toohey, doing a Sherlock does not a verb of Sherlock make. Therefore and henceforth, Sing & Oggi will be sherlocking.
Page 194 - yes, yes, thanks again, Adi. Sing and Bluefoot were battling ess-less plurals NOT collective nouns. It’s just that collective nouns are so much fun, they seem to sneak into places they don’t belong.
The Sound (Kindle Edition)
Coming in high on the OC stakes, there is an en dash in footnote 48 that should be an em dash with no spaces.
Footnote 78 has the typo ‘chincane’ which should be chicane.
Random colon! (not words you want to hear in anything other than a literary sense) Footnote 79.
Footnote 86 would be satisfied with the revealing of the bad guy because exposure could reveal too much.
The Mirror Door (Kindle Edition)
Basically going to be having an Em Dash & Space party in the following footnotes: 11, 13, 15, 26, 32, 40, 44, 56, 57, 94, 95, 98 and 99…
Footnote 43 - ‘sounty’ should be county.
Footnote 44 - ‘caling’ it for what it is.
Footnote 55 - ‘appeciator’ of knowledge. I’ve acctually heard people pronounce appreciate this way but still - typo!
Footnote 71 - Lewis Carroll would probably appreciate the absurdity of his name being spelled incorrectly down an alternate rabbit hole.
Footnote 78 - ‘muliple' surprises. As much as I would like to have claimed to invent a whole new form of surprise this is, sadly, just a typo.
Footnote 85 - ‘poweful’ - full of powe!